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Node governments

Fonte: Ashes of Creation Wiki
Revisão em 08h16min de 8 de fevereiro de 2021 por Lex (discussão | contribs) (Add section)

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Alpha-1 winner of Mayoral election.[1]

There are a number of different seats that can exist within a node, and carry different responsibilities.[2]Steven Sharif

Positions within a node's government are attained through seasonal titles that grant special powers and benefits within the node.[3][2][4][5]

There are other node-based positions. Most of them relate to social organizational structures like the temple and the social organization building that the node might construct. Those are ladder systems of achievement that players can work through on a seasonal basis to achieve the highest level of that for the particular node; and by doing so they will then have titles bestowed upon them, which grants certain types of powers and benefits.[3]Steven Sharif

Node elections

Alpha-1 node election user interface.[8]

The village stage is a unique stage because that's when the government system comes online and all other stages past village there will have already been a cadence for the election system and it will follow that cadence, but after the initial village stage is completed there will be a one week period where players have an opportunity to establish citizenship at the village that also provides for the cooldown time that is- that would be present on players leaving another node to participate in in this particular node leveling up. But that after that one week period then there will be a one-week election process and then from that point moving forward will be the one month cadence that the node experiences elections on.[9]Steven Sharif

Once a node has reached

[[{{{2}}}]] (estágio 3) there will be a one week cooldown period before node elections begin.[9]

  • This cooldown period allows players to establish citizenship at the village; which may require them to relinquish previous citizenship at another node.[9]
  • Following the initial cooldown, there will be a one week election process, then from that point on, elections will follow a monthly cadence.[9]
  • Cercos de base may not be declared for 21 days following a node advancing to any stage.[10]

[[{{{2}}}]] (estágio 3), not higher stages.[11]

Node elections occur on a monthly basis.[9][12]

City hall

Winstead [[{{{2}}}]] (estágio 3) node town hall in Alpha-2.[16]

We want the City Hall to be the place where big decisions are made for each Node. It should be where the “ruling class” comes together and decides what to do (these decisions can quickly make them the “old ruling class” too).[17]

Town hall (also called City hall) is a default service building that comes pre-built with nodes.[18][19][20][17]

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Depiction of a mayor.[21]

Mayors have a unique ability to elicit change within the node proper, either through the destruction of certain buildings that have been constructed previously, because there's a limited number of slots that buildings can be constructed within, or the kickoff of additional projects, or the certain types of policies that can be enacted, like... the changing of a tax rate. They all have a unified source of energy requirement and the energy requirement is a mandate.[22]Steven Sharif

Prefeitos are chosen through different election methods according to the node's type.[23][24]

  • Previous mayors won't have any special system driven bonuses to help them get reelected.[25]
  • Players will be able to view a historical listing of mayors of a node.[26]

Mayoral caravans

Mayoral caravans (also referred to as Trade caravans) are launched by Prefeitos to obtain needed resources from other nodes.[28][29][27]

  • Players can participate in helping to defend the caravan if they wish.[29]
Mayors who need certain resources that either they don't have enough of, or that they're prospectively investing in: they will initiate a mayor request, and any node that sees that request on the mayoral caravan drop-down menu will have an opportunity to attempt to fulfill the trade request. In order to fulfill a trade request, a node must have a certain level of relationship with that requesting node. At a minimum it has to be a trade agreement relationship; and then there's a limited number of those trade relationships that you can have; and that scales up to eventually alliance perspective. And then, once the node requesting mayor accepts a potential fill order, then a system spawned caravan is generated and the transit is completed. Players can participate in helping to defend that or not.[29]Steven Sharif

Leadership powers

Leadership powers may refer to.

Node layout and style

Layout de Base de um Vilarejo no Alpha-1.[30]

Já no terceiro estágio de evolução, como uma vila, é um layout razoavelmente grande; e parte desses layouts inclui domicílos essencialmente estáticos, dentro da base, que os jogadores podem comprar.[30]Steven Sharif

Estilos de arquitetura Racial em uma vila no Alpha-0. Influência de Elfos Empíreos (acima). Influência de Humanos Kaelar (abaixo).[31]

O layout e a arquitetura dentro da área de desenvolvimento de uma Base são determinados pela raça com mais influência. Por exemplo, uma Base em estágio 3 onde a maioria dos jogadores contribuíntes é Py'Rai terá uma vila Py'Rai com arquitetura Py'Rai. A maioria dos PNJs seriam elfos Py'Rai, e ofereceriam missões com narrativa Py'Rai.[24]Margaret Krohn

A experiência contribuída por cada jogador é marcada com sua raça e outros identificadores. Quando uma Base evolui, a raça com a maior contribuição de experiência determina o estilo e cultura da Base. Essa mudança de estilo e cultura pode ocorrer em todo Estágio de Base. Por exemplo, se uma Base avança para o Estágio 2 - Acampamento e 51% de toda a experiência veio de jogadores Ren'Kai, a Base será uma Base Ren'Kai Estágio 2. Se essa mesma Base avançar para o Estágio 3 - Vilarejo, mas dessa vez os Py'rai tiverem contribuído 62% de tpda a experiência obtida, a Base se tornará uma Base Py'Rai Estágio 3. Influências culturais trazem mudanças além da estética e das missões - benefícios são dados àqueles da cultura dominante dentro da Zona de Influência daquela Base.[32]Margaret Krohn

O layout e o estilo de uma Base são determinados por diversos fatores:[33]

Algumas partes são determinadas pela área onde a base está. Outras, pelo tipo da base; certas partes são determinadas pela raça, e o resto é determinado pelo prefeito.[33]Jeffrey Bard

Todas as bases, sejam elas relacionadas aos castelos ou não, têm influências culturais que são replicadas nas aparências dos prédios e dos PNJs presentes na Base.[36]Steven Sharif

Existe uma mecânica de atrito que afeta a experiência e influência para impedir que uma única raça domine o mundo inteiro.[37]

Existe um atrito e esse atrito na experiência e influência aumenta de acordo com a performance da raça no mundo. Então se todas as bases forem de Orc, o nível de atrito deles será muito alto para competir com outras raças na hora de estabelecer a cultura de novas bases. Isso acontece pois já são muito influentes e existe uma opinião popular contra eles nas regiões que não influenciam.[37]Steven Sharif

Cultural influences

Alpha-1 Vilarejo node layout.[30]

We have essentially sets that exist across all races; and each race that dons those armor sets is going to have their own racial influence on the presentation of those particular sets. So that's something that's unique in how each of the races get diversified. Additionally, the more that one particular race contributes to a node's development, it's going to manifest in that particular node's architectural influences. You're going to see the architectures of those races become manifest within the nodes as well: That's another way that we diversify each race and we present each race's culture in the game as through those architectures, through those props that exist, through the tailoring of the armor sets that the NPC might wear, to the different factions that exist. Factions will have their own affiliation with different races as well. Each race will also have some different nomenclature when it comes to the lore, or comes to locations in the world. They're going to have their own language influences as well: The way they speak is something that's going to be distinct between races; when you have dialogue trees with particular NPCs. So all of those things really go into setting an immersive world where the cultures have their own identity.[38]Steven Sharif

Cultural influences manifest in many ways, from node and gear aesthetics to NPC languages and lore.[38][39][32]

There is an attrition and that attrition on experience and influence is heightened based on the performance of the race in the world. So if all these nodes are Orc nodes then their attrition rate is very high to compete with the cultural establishment of new nodes because they have more influence in the world and a popular opinion is against them in their outlying regions that they do not have influence in.[37]Steven Sharif

Edificações de base construíveis

Governos de base decidem a localização e os tipos de edificações de base construíveis a serem colocadas nos setores de uma base.[42][43][44]

Essas são edificações que o prefeito pode controlar se serão construídas ou não. Edificações construíveis podem ser escolhidas em um dos espaços de terra que uma base recebe quando evolui. Se escolherem começar a construção de um desses tipos de edificações - uma das quais é o mercado -, receberão certos benefícios de comércio assim como quiosques que os cidadãos podem alugar.[45]Steven Sharif

Quando os tipos de edificação são determinados, a comunidade precisará angariar recursos para a base (usando caravanas) e se unir para construir as edificações (através de missões e etc).[42]

O governo decide como especializar sua base. Ao fazerem certas escolhas, não poderão fazer outras.[42]

Governos diferentes poderão mudar as edificações em uma base.[42]

E pode ocorrer uma mudança de regime... Se alguém não gostar de terem construído um mercado e quiserem eleger um novo governo no próximo cíclo, eles podem...e aquele mercado poderia ser destruído e algo novo construído em seu lugar.[42]

Parâmetros predefinidos limitam o número de edificações dentro de bases.[43]

Cercos de base

Cercos de base (vídeo do Pre-alpha).[46]

À medida que certas áreas do mundo crescem, outras cairão. Essa é a fundação do mundo vívido e ativo que é Ashes of Creation, onde os jogadores tem a habilidade de tomar decisões cruciais que importam para a longevidade de uma área se tornar uma cidade, ou a decisão de cercear uma cidade rival. Erga-se das cinzas, crie o mundo ao seu redor, e seja parte da história que é escrita através das suas ações e decisões.[32]Margaret Krohn

Cercos de base permitem que os jogadores destruam bases.[32] Isso abre o caminho para novos desenvolvimentos e o acesso a conteúdos bloqueados nas bases próximas. Devido a essa dinâmica, o conflito político e a intriga fazem um papel importante na estrutura do mundo.[47]

Cercear uma base não será uma tarefa fácil para os atacantes. Cidades e metrópoles terão uma vantagem defensiva considerável.[47]

Se você possui um lar em uma base e não quer que ele seja destruído, terá que defender a cidade![48]Steven Sharif

Bases podem cair de nível de acordo com a Atrofia de Base.[32]

Node wars

Node governments may declare war on another node and rally citizens to the cause.[49][17]

We have conditions that you can set between nodes with regards to either nodes being friendly with each other and acting trade alliances, or they can declare war on nodes similar to how guild wars may function in different games, where those citizens become hostile to each other based on the player government that's elected in the particular node. So those systems all cater to allowing a conflict that's meaningful and that also provides a non-imbalanced relationship between stronger guilds and not as strong guilds.[53]Steven Sharif

Node politics

There won't be a civil war mechanic within nodes but there will be scope for internal political conflicts; such as undermining the current leadership and disrupting trade.[54]

We want consequences to matter and if that person got elected then you need to work within the means of the mechanics to get them unelected.[55]Steven Sharif

Trade agreements

Prefeitos can enter into trade agreements with other nodes to facilitate trade between the nodes.[29][27][17]

  • There are a limited number of trade agreements that a node can have.[29]
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Mercenary guilds will be a viable way forward for different organizations. I think there will be a lot of business to be had with that; and one of the systems in our trade agreements is creating an escrow for those particular type of arrangements that we're looking into.[56]Steven Sharif

Trade routes

Mayoral caravan launched by a mayor to establish a trade route with another node.[27]

For example: this node over here might have access to cotton as a resource and when that node processes that cotton it might be some very nice type of linen that only that node, or very rarely nodes would have access to. So when you initiate a trade route, you're bringing its supplies that the mayor has requested because they're trying to build, let's say a specific type of service building, or they're trying to unlock a blueprint that they have access to now to build up their node.[57]Steven Sharif

Trade routes in Ashes of Creation refer to.

  • Roads for the transit goods via the caravan system.[58]
    You might have a mountain pass and during winter that mountain pass is always closed and so the trade routes on land change with caravans and that's something that can not only exist on a cyclical level but also dynamically based on player activity.[58]
From a diplomatic standpoint the ability for the mayor or citizens to set up NPC routed trade routes between nodes as a trade agreement or as a diplomatic process.[57]Steven Sharif


Alpha-2 Node treasury work-in-progress advanced node taxes UI.[61]

As the node levels up, you're gonna get access to deeper controls on the taxes, so that you as a Mayor can incentivize players to come to your node to do certain things. If you're a node that loves smithing, you're probably going to want to lower your taxes on artisanship to incentivize players to be here. But then you might want to drive up taxes on other avenues that players aren't necessarily coming to your node for, but are using out of convenience.[61]Chris Justo

Prefeitos are able to set a generalized node tax rate as well as overrides for different activities within their node. Mayors gain additional taxation controls as their node advances.[61][62]

Regent nodes take a cut of taxes from various activities that occur within their vassal node structure.[72][73]

  • This tax doesn't necessarily impact the individual citizen, because citizen's tax levels are determined by their node, but the node's finances are affected by the taxation levied by its parent nodes.[73]

When a node reaches stage 3 (Vilarejo) and a player run government has formed, all player housing will pay taxes.[74]

Maintaining businesses requires licensing and payments to the node your Freehold is associated with. This permitting system allows for a certain number of buildings to be constructed on a Freehold. Permits can be obtained from the same node the Freehold was certified from, and buildings that require permits will have an additional upkeep cost.[75]

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  1. Transmissão ao vivo, 2020-03-28 (1:02:46).
  2. 2.0 2.1 Steven Quote2.png
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Transmissão ao vivo, 2023-09-29 (1:07:01).
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Transmissão ao vivo, 2019-07-26 (1:20:48).
  5. 5.0 5.1 MMOGames interview, January 2017
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Transmissão ao vivo, 2017-11-17 (9:49).
  7. Transmissão ao vivo, 2020-07-25 (1:52:45).
  8. Transmissão ao vivo, 2020-03-28 (1:01:34).
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Entrevista, 2020-03-27 (6:03).
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  12. Government2.jpg
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  15. 15.0 15.1 Entrevista, 2018-05-11 (50:05).
  16. Vídeo, 2023-08-31 (49:05).
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 City hall.
  18. Vídeo, 2023-08-31 (33:07).
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Blog: Development Update with Village Node.
  20. Transmissão ao vivo, 2023-08-31 (50:25).
  21. mayor-tweet.png
  22. 22.0 22.1 Transmissão ao vivo, 2023-08-31 (31:44).
  23. Node series part II – the Metropolis.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Blog - Know Your Nodes - The Basics.
  25. Transmissão ao vivo, 2023-08-31 (37:35).
  26. Transmissão ao vivo, 2023-09-29 (1:05:44).
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.8 Vídeo, 2019-07-15 (2:12).
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  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Transmissão ao vivo, 2020-06-26 (45:32).
  31. Transmissão ao vivo, 2018-02-09 (33:50).
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 Blog - Know Your Nodes - Advance and Destroy.
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 Transmissão ao vivo, 2018-09-27 (53:06).
  34. 34.0 34.1 Entrevista, 2018-05-11 (54:34).
  35. Transmissão ao vivo, 2017-05-26 (21:23).
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  40. Transmissão ao vivo, 2020-03-28 (1:16:03).
  41. Vídeo, 2020-03-23 (0:24).
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 Transmissão ao vivo, 2017-05-19 (33:57).
  43. 43.0 43.1 Transmissão ao vivo, 2018-01-20 (38:17).
  44. Transmissão ao vivo, 2018-04-8 (PM) (51:49).
  45. Entrevista, 2020-07-08 (55:05).
  46. Vídeo, 2016-12-04 (0:02).
  47. 47.0 47.1 A reactive world - Nodes.
  48. Vídeo, 2017-04-30 (5:31).
  49. Transmissão ao vivo, 2022-04-29 (27:42).
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  55. 55.0 55.1 Transmissão ao vivo, 2019-06-28 (1:26:14).
  56. Transmissão ao vivo, 2018-04-8 (AM) (18:59).
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 Podcast, 2021-09-29 (8:38).
  58. 58.0 58.1 Vídeo, 2022-05-27 (17:15).
  59. Transmissão ao vivo, 2017-05-17 (30:53).
  60. Kickstarter - We Just Broke $1,500,000!
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  70. 70.0 70.1 Entrevista, 2020-03-27 (0:30).
  71. Transmissão ao vivo, 2023-09-29 (1:11:22).
  72. 72.0 72.1 Transmissão ao vivo, 2022-08-26 (1:10:16).
  73. 73.0 73.1 Entrevista, 2018-05-11 (57:02).
  74. House Tax.png
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 75.3 Blog: Exploring the Boundless Opportunities of Freeholds.
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