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Uncommon items

Fonte: Ashes of Creation Wiki
Revisão em 19h34min de 23 de julho de 2021 por Lex (discussão | contribs) (Created)

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info-orange.pngEsta seção contém informações do teste Alpha-1. Ele será atualizado quando novas informações forem disponibilizadas.
Item Icon Type Tier Set Rarity Level requirement Source Cost
2nd Sword Division's Boots 2nd Sword Division's Boots Icon.png Boots 2nd Sword Division Uncommon Vendor 875
2nd Sword Division's Bracers 2ndSwordDivisionsBracersIcon.png Wrists 2nd Sword Division Uncommon Vendor 875
2nd Sword Division's Cloak 2ndSwordDivisionsCapeIcon.png Back armor 2nd Sword Division Uncommon Vendor 875
2nd Sword Division's Garb 2ndSwordDivisionsGarbIcon.png Chest armor 2nd Sword Division Uncommon Vendor 875
2nd Sword Division's Gloves 2ndSwordDivisionsGloves.png Gloves 2nd Sword Division Uncommon Vendor 875
2nd Sword Division's Helm 2ndSwordDivisionsHelmIcon.png Helmet 2nd Sword Division Uncommon Vendor 875
2nd Sword Division's Pants 2ndSwordDivisionsPantsIcon.png Pants 2nd Sword Division Uncommon Vendor 875
2nd Sword Division's Pauldron 2nd Sword Division's Pauldron Icon.png Shoulders 2nd Sword Division Uncommon Vendor 875
Case of Everburn Scented Candles Everburn Scented Candles Case.png Player commodities Uncommon Commodities vendors 68
Dim Glint Glint Uncommon
Howling Wolf Garb Chest armor Howling Wolf Uncommon
Intermediate Pole IntermediatePoleIcon.png Fishing pole 1 - 2 Uncommon 1 Vendor 100
Iron Chopper IronChopperIcon.png Tool 1 - 2 Uncommon 1 Vendor 100
Iron Pickaxe IronPickaxeIcon.png Pickaxe 1 - 2 Uncommon 1 Vendor 100
Lightly Seasoned Meat Lightly Seasoned Meat Case.png Player commodities Uncommon Commodities vendors 68
Packs of Fresh Produce Packs of Fresh Produce Icon.png Player commodities Uncommon Commodities vendors
Refurbished Plate Boots ba6330d6-e98f-4071-b38c-cb9a4ab2fe4d-0.png Boots Refurbished Uncommon 8
Restoration Generator Healing Aura.png Caravan component Uncommon Caravan masters
Ripped Cloth Boots 336351d2-a918-454b-bb72-0a7269cf14f9-0.png Boots Ripped Uncommon 8
Sharpened One-Handed Sword 77226313-9678-43f1-8fd8-e298344dfcaa-0.png Sword Uncommon 5 Quest rewards
Soulseeker's Chest Chest armor Soul Seeker Uncommon
Tiller 7a088b0d-ff65-40ad-9ce3-2d0e6eaa77ff-0.png Tool 1 - 2 Uncommon 1 Vendor,Quest rewards 100
Titanbark Belt TitanbarkBeltIcon.png Belt Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Boots TitanbarkBootsIcon.png Boots Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Bracers TitanbarkBracersIcon.png Wrists Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Cloak TitanbarkCloakIcon.png Back armor Titanbark Uncommon Drop
Titanbark Gloves TitanbarkGlovesIcon.png Gloves Titanbark Uncommon
Titanbark Leggings TitanbarkLeggingsIcon.png Pants Titanbark Uncommon Drop

Loot tables

Q: Can only one gathering artisan harvest resources from a single boss, or can multiple different artisans harvest different parts from a boss for different resources? For example, a lumberjack gets a special wood from Tumock's tree weapon, while a herbalist gathers the flowers from that same tree.
A: We don't have the concept of harvesting from bosses. NPCs follow a reward table format, where those reward tables are global. They're not unique to particular players. So, once the NPC is vanquished, you have access to the loot container that is its corpse; and it has a static value of either materials or items that get dropped; and whatever the party loot settings are that you might be a part of, or if you're a solo player you will be able to recover those things.[21]

Itens criados

Itens fabricados estarão no mesmo patamar dos melhores items.[23]

Acreditamos que todo item que existe no mundo deveria, de alguma maneira, refletir seu fabricador. Assim, nosso sistema de fabricação será extremamente versátil - dando aos artesãos a habilidade de fabricar itens únicos que representem seus pontos fortes e fracos.[28]

A Fabricação e os Chefes Mundiais serão a principal maneira de adquirir equipamentos de alto nível. Haverão algumas exceções a isso na forma de itens Lendários (apenas um pode ser obtido ou descoberto) e outros equipamentos que podem ser conseguidos, mas queremos que Artesãos e raids do tier mais alto produzam a maior parte do equipamento de alto nível e alta efetividade.[14]Sarah Flanagan

Item rarities

Item rarities in Ashes of Creation.

Resource quality

Recursos will have differing tiers of quality for the same resource type.[38] This is somewhat similar to Star Wars Galaxies.[39]

You will have an opportunity to proc certain qualities based on your progression in the Artisan tree. So if you are a gatherer; and as you advance in your gathering, you'll have a higher opportunity to collect better resources.[41]Steven Sharif

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