
Fonte: Ashes of Creation Wiki
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Milking a cow in Alpha-2.[1]

Milk is a byproduct of a cow and so is beef. So it's up to you how and when you want to harvest your livestock in certain ways.[2]Kory Rice

Livestock are farmable resources on freehold farms.[3][4][5][6][7]

List of livestock

Farmable livestock.[3][7][6]

List of animal byproducts

Item Icon Type Source Profession Rarity Level requirement
Beef Animal byproduct Cows Farming
Droppings Droppings Icon.png Animal byproduct
Eggs Chicken Egg Icon (Large).png Animal byproduct Chickens Farming
Milk Cow's Milk Icon (Large).png Animal byproduct Cows Farming
Pig Hide Pig Hide Icon (Large).png Animal byproduct Pigs Farming
Pig Meat Pig Meat Icon (Large).png Animal byproduct Pigs Farming
Wool Wool Icon (Large).png Animal byproduct Sheep Farming


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